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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the “ongoing contests”/”contest results” page?

All the latest contests are and will stay populated here Click, and will also be the page for latest results from contests completed.

Look for the “Ongoing Contest” Prefix to be sure.


What contest can I apply for?

Check the contest-specific guidelines and decide for yourself which one in your photo library best fits the sentiment of the contest. Wise selection ensures that you stay ahead of other photographers while in a contest.


What should the photograph specifications be?

  1. The initial submission for contest entries: 1080 pixels on the shorter side; a resolution of at least 100dpi and each file size between 1 MB to 2 MB. We will accept jpg, jpeg, png during this stage
  2. The final Top10/20 photographers will be asked for the final files/images containing full Exif details. The parameters are at least 1920 on the shorter side; 200 to 300 dpi in resolution and each file size between 3MB to 6MB. We will accept jpg, jpeg, png, and pdf during this stage
  3. Overprocessing and watermarks are to be avoided during all submissions
  4. If at any point parameters are revised, SPG will let you know via Email and/or public announcements
  5. Read the Regulations about image submissions in greater detail here(Click)


How can I submit my photographs?

Tap/Click/Hit any “Participate”/”Participate Now” button on the website. That will take you to the Contest Submission form. You will find an “upload images” button to upload your entries. These buttons are generally available on all the contest related pages and posts.


How many photographs can I submit?

All contest guidelines will mention the upper limit of photographs allowed to be uploaded by you per contest. For example, this contest allows you 02 images per photographer.


Can I submit more than 2 photographs?

If the contest guideline has an upper limit of 2 photographs, you can not upload more than that limit. If you still go ahead and upload two, the curation team will pick any random 2 from the entries or may disqualify your entry completely due to a breach of guidelines.


Can I submit only 1 photograph?

If you mean you will upload lesser entries than the permissible upper limit then it is just fine! But remember, using the full limit may keep you ahead in the competition with multiple options available for the judges.


I submitted my application but I haven’t been selected, why?

The final shortlist is completely under the jurisdiction of the Jury panel and no one intervenes in the process. SPG follows a 3-step process where the final judgment is a blind round where the image is only circulated between the judges with a number and its available Exif details. If your entry has not been selected, try again. We wish you the very best for your future win!


Why was my application disqualified?

Images get disqualified during initial rounds of curation mostly because of breaching contest submission guidelines. If you were disqualified in a particular contest, try SPG’s next!


How do I submit a Feature?

You can apply for the Interview submission via the Submit Here button on the page. If you want to be featured in a different format, please email in detail to . Keep the Subject line as: Requesting SPG Feature


Why is my feature not published?

Ideally, your submission till publishing may take between 15 to 30 days. If SPG exceeded the maximum time limit, please check your registered email inbox. The team must have tried to connect with you for some queries or observations. They must be looking for a follow-up. The most common challenges are with the quality of the images or the disconnect of your responses to the questions asked. We are sure that together we will find a way to publish a fascinating feature for you.


Will I get a refund?

There will be no refund at any stage during any process.


My payment is failing

Please share your screenshot of the failed transaction to

We will guide you further, and if necessary, we will share a direct link/Code for you to apply successfully.


I am 12 years old, can I participate?

No dear, apply again when you are officially 13 (Click here to read the rules of engagement)


Can I participate in more than one contest?

Yes, you can, unless you are a visiting judge in one of the contests for the same period


How will I know if I win?

We love your confidence already! Well, the SPG team will communicate with you over an email before the public announcement goes out.


When is the next contest?

You can keep checking for the upcoming contests and announcements on our main page


What is the last date for submission?

Contest specific last date of submission is and will be always mentioned on the Contest banner and in our Social media announcements. Check the details in your contest of preference.


The last date was yesterday, can I still register?

“Last date” you read it right! Submissions closed.


Can the last date be extended?

If SPG team decides to extend the last date, the announcement will come up on the website. You can look out for that.


Can I change my registration data?

Participants’ data once submitted can only be changed under special circumstances. To apply, email SPG at with your reason. We will try our best.


What do I win as a Reward?

Based on your rank in the contest, your prize can range from a signed Digital SPG Certificate, a Medal of Honour, Camera accessories, and Social Media feature to a place in our Monthly Hall-of-fame on the SPG website and a Cash award. All the best!


Is there a cash prize?

Yes and No. Prizes/Rewards will vary from contest to contest.


When will the result be announced?

Results will be announced within 20 days of the contest closure date.


Will there be a second and third place?



Will 2nd and 3rd place also receive a prize?

Yes, they will. In fact, in certain contests, the whole top 10 or the 20 might receive awards each.


How will I receive my prize if I win?

The SPG team will email you and confirm the mode of transfer/passage of the rewards. Certificates & Features will be sent and announced online respectively.

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